Using Robotic Handwritten Cards for Lead Generation

One way that a lot of SaaS companies are using now to generate new sales might be:

  1. Buy a bunch of LinkedIn InMail messages to spam prospective C-Suite prospects
  2. Cold call a bunch of prospects
  3. Cold email a bunch of prospects
  4. Cold newsletter a bunch of prospects

How is that working for you? Is it a good ROI in your time/money for the effort and time spent?

Is there a more effective approach currently not saturated by your competitors?

Enter: Robot Handwritten Cards

The actual strategy isn’t in a one-time letter, but it’s a unique three-pronged approach.

Step 1: Create an Effective Message (or Two)

Work with to craft a concise, impactful, personalized message for your prospective audience. This could be split test into two letters to measure for impact.

Step 2: Set a Plan for A Follow Up

Follow up with another form of communication in a strategic time window, such as phone or email, to reference the initial contact. Whether or not your prospect saw or opened your letter, you still have an “anchor” to create conversation.

We can work with you to create that perfect pitch as a bonus service simply for being a client!

Step 3: Add a Third, Different Follow Up

Create a third follow-up.

This works because multi-sensory marketing has more staying power than just using singular-sense marketing. (i.e. email is mainly visually engaging, the phone is audibly engaging, but the handwritten card is visual, touch, and possibly olfactory)

Why do we recommend a three-pronged approach? This is directly taken from our playbook for inbound marketing and sales.

And believe me, it works.

Shoot us an email at if you’re ready to freaking go!!

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