Who Not How: When It To Use Robotic AI Handwriting Companies

If you’ve ever read or heard of the book “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan then you would be familiar with the concept of leveraging the right people and companies to achieve the results you want faster.

The premise of the book argues that successful entrepreneurs and leaders focus on finding the right people (“Who”) to achieve their goals, rather than trying to figure out how to do everything themselves (“How”).

They key takeaway is that by leveraging other people’s unique abilities and expertise, individuals can dramatically expand their capacity to accomplish ambitious goals and create more freedom in their lives.

What Does This Have to Do With Your Robotic Handwritten Cards?

If you’ve previously read our blog post on Man vs. Machine then you’ll recall that an average human being could write around 150 handwritten letters a day.

(This is not accounting for the diminishing speeds and quality with each successive letter due to hand fatigue.)

So if handwritten letters are any part of your strategy whether for lead generation, client retention, upsell/cross sell, or any other use case then it would be advantageous to consider using robotic handwriting services.

But when is the point where it no longer makes sense for you to write it and to look into hiring an automated handwriting company?

There are instances when prospective clients need a handful of letters written every few weeks. In those cases we actually encourage them to write the letters themselves because it make more financial sense.

If you find that writing 150+ letters regularly is not a good use of your times (or someone else’s time) then we invite you to give us the opportunity to offload this task.

Please book a call if you’re interested in learning how Ghosthandwriter.com can be the “Who” so you don’t have to worry about the “How”.

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