Why Handwritten Cards Crush Digital Ads for Lead Generation (New Data)

Did you know the average person sees 4,000 to 10,000 digital ads every single day?

But want to know how many personalized handwritten cards they receive?

Maybe one or two. Per year.

I’m going to explain exactly why handwritten cards are becoming the secret weapon in lead generation – and how to use them to stand out in 2024.

The Problem with Digital Advertising in 2024


Digital advertising isn’t what it used to be. Here’s why:

Here’s the other alarming thing: Even when people see your ads, they’re probably ignoring them. Studies show that 86% of consumers suffer from “banner blindness.”

In other words, your expensive digital ads are basically invisible.

Why Handwritten Cards Work (Backed by Research)

Here’s where handwritten cards come in.

According to a recent study by the Data & Marketing Association (formerly Direct Mail Association:

  • Physical mail has a 5.1% response rate (compared to 0.6% for email)
  • 70% of consumers say mail is more personal than the internet
  • 95% of 18-29 year olds have positive responses to receiving personal cards

But the REAL magic happens when you combine handwritten elements with direct mail.

Case Study: One financial services firm tested handwritten cards against their regular direct mail. The results?

  • 3.5X higher response rate
  • 2.8X better ROI
  • 99% confirmed delivery rate

The Psychology Behind Why Handwritten Cards Convert

There are three key reasons handwritten cards demolish digital ads:

  1. Pattern Interruption Most people sort mail into two piles: bills and junk. But a handwritten card? That gets opened first.
  2. Reciprocity Trigger When someone takes the time to write you a card, you feel obligated to at least read it. It’s instinctive human nature.
  3. Scarcity Effect In a world of endless digital messages, physical cards are rare. And rare things get attention.

How to Use Handwritten Cards for Lead Generation

Here’s a step-by-step playbook how we walk you through it:

Step 1: Choose Your Targets

Don’t spray and pray. We help you select specific high-value prospects in your existing CRM data or from another data source.

Step 2: Personalize Your Message

A conversational note is far more effective than a infomercial pitch. We are also accounting for 3 things:

  • A personal connection point
  • Clear value proposition
  • Specific call to action

Step 3: Make It Easy to Respond

Reduce response friction and include multiple options:

  • QR code
  • Direct phone number
  • Insert business card

Advanced Tips for Maximum Impact of Handwritten Cards

How do we take your handwritten card campaign to the next level?

Here are some secretes of the trade:

  1. Timing Matters Send cards to arrive Tuesday-Thursday for highest open rates.
  2. Use Real First-Class Stamps They perform 24% better than metered mail which is what some of our competitors use.
  3. Size Matters: We have tested varying sizes of cards and envelopes and message length and believe we’ve come to find the optimal size.
  4. Follow-Up Sequence: While we don’t offer this as a service, we have some great strategies and tech tools to help you.

How Much Do Handwritten Cards Cost?

I know what you’re thinking:

“This sounds expensive and time-consuming.”

Here’s the reality:

While a handwritten card campaign might cost $2.50-$4 per prospect (including quality cards, postage, and writing services), consider this:

  • Average Cost Per Click on Facebook: $1.72
  • Average Cost Per Lead on Google Ads: $45
  • Average B2B Email Lead: $53

Comparatively, you’ll see better performance on average than in the digital space. And remember, these are not time-consuming if you hire a robotic handwriting company.

Real Results: Case Studies

Don’t just take my word for it. Check out these case studies:

  1. Real Estate Agent in Phoenix
  • Sent 100 handwritten cards to expired listings
  • Received 12 callbacks (12% response rate)
  • Closed 3 deals
  • ROI: 1,200%
  1. B2B Software Company
  • Tested 500 handwritten cards vs. 500 cold emails
  • Cards: 8.4% response rate
  • Emails: 0.3% response rate
  • Cards generated 28X more meetings

Ready to Get Started?

The evidence is clear: Handwritten cards crush digital ads for lead generation.

But here’s the best part: While all your competitors are fighting over expensive digital ads, you can dominate with this underutilized channel.

Want to get started? Book a call with us today!

Not ready to commit? Request your sample packet here.

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