How Much Technology Should I Incorporate in a Handwritten Card?

Nothing has made a greater comeback in the last several years than the QR Code. We use it for menus at restaurants, business cards, signage, and even inside shoes. But what’s the fine balance of incorporating a QR code in your handwritten letter? Doesn’t it defeat the whole “handwritten” feel?

The short answer is yes. QR codes can out your handwritten card so fast, especially if they’re printed on there. But QR codes are necessary if you want someone to go to link without the possible error of mis-typing out the URL.

Three Alternatives to Overuse of Technology in Handwritten Cards

We recommend that instead of printing it on your card, you can print QR codes as labels and stick it directly on the inside of the card. This will give it back that human quality that comes with handwritten cards while still directing your prospect to the right link.

Secondly, we offer trackable phone numbers. With a localized area code we can now test the effectiveness and ROI of a handwritten campaign simply with a trackable number. This gives us the opportunity to do A/B testing on messaging, design, insert/no insert, etc.

Lastly, the traditional way of tracking direct mail campaigns could include coupons, coupon codes, or asking the prospect directly where they found you.

It’s really a delicate balance of incorporating the right amount of technology and track-ability without forfeiting the effectiveness of a handwritten campaign. We can work with you to decide the best way to measure a handwritten letter campaign while still maintaining the authenticity.

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