How Non-Profits Have Used Robotic Handwritten Card Services

While automated handwritten cards have been vastly used across all industries, nonprofit organizations have a unique opportunity to excel with handwritten cards.

People donate, not necessarily because they have something to gain. They’re generally motivated by being philanthropic.

According to this article, the average age of a charitable donor is 64 years old, with females accounting for 67% of donors.

You guys. Without generalizing it too much for your organization, this audience highly values a handwritten card. When I think of someone who appreciates a handwritten card, I think of my Mom or Grandma precisely.

According to the same article from Double the Donation, Americans gave almost $500 BILLION to charity last year, AND 30% of annual giving for nonprofits happens in December.

To sum up what we’ve learned:

  1. The majority of donors are women 64 and older.
  2. The most significant percentage of donations occurred in December.

If this is not compelling data to consider using handwritten cards for your nonprofit, I’m afraid you can’t be sold.

Some ways that we’ve seen other nonprofits use our automated handwritten cards include:

  • QR Code linked to Matching Campaign
  • QR Code related to General Donation Page
  • Thank you letters for previous donations
  • QR Code linked Gala or Event RSVP Page

There are probably numerous other ways we haven’t considered, but these are some of the most common.

If you think a push in December might make a difference for your nonprofit organization, let’s jump on a call and turn around your campaign quickly!

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