What are the best websites to order direct mail pieces?

Prior to entering the robotic handwritten cards space, I was in web design and marketing. There’s certainly overlap, and the experience I gained during my 10 years in web design and marketing lends itself to Ghosthandwriter.

This is mainly true when designing logos, business cards, flyers, postcards, and other tangible assets. For instance, 14 pt is the average thickness/weight of a business card, so you typically order 16 or 18 pt if you want to stand out.

Lightweight postcards were 100#, so if you wanted “solid” cards, you would order up to 130#.

Fortunately, I’ve done the legwork for you and found the most convenient websites to order quality products. Here are my top 3 picks:


This is my favorite by a long shot. I could talk on and on about the quality, trendy designs, turnaround, and customer service, but you need to try them for yourselves. Order a sample pack and see for yourself. Even how they package their deliveries is superior to what I’ve seen from other online and local digital printers.


Another great option is Gotprint.com. They offer a slightly more affordable price point than Moo.com while maintaining comparable quality. Plus, they allow for larger quantity orders, up to 100,000. They even provide a sample kit for you to assess the quality of their prints.


While I haven’t used them in a while, I used to be a regular customer of OvernightPrints.com. It’s not that I wouldn’t use them, but their website has gotten less user-friendly than the other two options. It’s more dated in design and user experience, so I am less drawn to them. As far as quality, though, they rank similarly to Gotprint.com. They offer a sample pack; however, finding out how to request one takes work, so you’re on your own!


These are some of my favorite online direct mail printers. In some instance, speed is of the essence for a Ghosthandwriter project so we have several local print shops we use for quicker turnaround.

Want to talk all things direct mail? Interested in some handwritten cards? Shoot me an email at hello@ghosthandwriter.com

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