What are the best websites to order direct mail pieces?
Prior to entering the robotic handwritten cards space, I was in web design and marketing. There’s certainly...
Prior to entering the robotic handwritten cards space, I was in web design and marketing. There’s certainly...
If you’ve used any professional service, such as a financial advisor, insurance broker, or realtor, chances are...
If you’ve ever sent a flyer, mailer, envelope, or anything to an audience there are really three...
Most people opt for a standard 6.5×9 direct mail flyer when sending direct mail. There is nothing...
While automated handwritten cards have been vastly used across all industries, nonprofit organizations have a unique opportunity...
In a recent(ish) New York Times article Why So Many People Became Real Estate Agents in the Pandemic it...
Imagine you’re the general manager of a more prominent hotel in a major city. Your team serves...
About 2 years ago, a question was posed on Reddit: “How fast can you write?” the author...
One way that a lot of SaaS companies are using now to generate new sales might be:...
Ask anyone in CEM (Customer Experience Management) about NPS (Net Promoter Score); they will know exactly what...
As we continue to grow GhostHandwriter.com we’ve been told that we should “just buy a stuffing machine...
“What Color Should I Write With?” or “What Type of Pen Should I Use?” are some of...
Just like any form of communication to clients and prospects- you want to time and space things...
When I was in college, I learned of a concept called the “Principal-Agent” problem which basically states...
One of the things we get asked often when we start to tell people about GhostHandwriter is:...
One of the questions we get asked often is “How long should my handwritten message be?” and...
This is a question that comes up a lot when discussing with clients a handwritten campaign. It...
I used to own a web design business and one strategy we focused on to bring in...
You might think I’m a psychopath by the range of books I read (don’t worry, I’m not)....
Nothing has made a greater comeback in the last several years than the QR Code. We use...